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Examples of Usage for Sonatype Scan Gradle Plugin

This a demo repository showing how to use the Scan Gradle Plugin to analyze open source dependencies in Gradle projects. A dependency with vulnerabilities was added to show how the output looks like.

The file build.gradle has a simple Gradle setup applying the plugin. For more options to configure (including usage with credentials) you can refer to the plugin documentation:

How to use in a multimodule project

Just apply the plugin on the root project and all sub-modules will be processed and the output will be a single report with all components found in each module, no extra configuration is required. This includes Android projects.

Usage examples

Up next, some examples to configure and run the plugin in several environments or CI tools. Whenever it's possible, first a minimal configuration will be linked to make the plugin run and then a second configuration showing how to leverage cache storing on each CI tool to avoid having to download the Gradle wrapper, dependencies and OSS Index data every time the job runs.


OSS Index

Clone this repo on your machine and from the project's root folder run from Terminal/Console:

./gradlew ossIndexAudit

The output will have the list of dependencies and the vulnerabilities found for each one (if any):

Checking vulnerabilities in 10 dependencies
Found vulnerabilities in 1 dependencies
[1/1] - pkg:maven/com.h2database/h2@1.4.197 - 2 vulnerabilities found!

   Vulnerability Title:  [CVE-2018-10054]  Improper Input Validation
   ID:  b3e3cc9b-766a-4507-9099-51754784a643
   Description:  H2 1.4.197, as used in Datomic before 0.9.5697 and other products, allows remote code execution because CREATE ALIAS can execute arbitrar...
   CVSS Score:  (8.8/10, Critical)
   CVSS Vector:  CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
   CVE:  CVE-2018-10054

   Vulnerability Title:  [CVE-2018-14335] An issue was discovered in H2 1.4.197. Insecure handling of permissions in the b...
   ID:  d3bb2bf8-2080-4598-997a-51bbed9647fb
   Description:  An issue was discovered in H2 1.4.197. Insecure handling of permissions in the backup function allows attackers to read sensitive files (...
   CVSS Score:  (6.5/10, High)
   CVSS Vector:  CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N
   CVE:  CVE-2018-14335

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':ossIndexAudit'.
> Vulnerabilities detected, check log output to review them

The task fails if there is at least one dependency with vulnerabilities.

Nexus IQ Server

Clone this repo on your machine, replace the values at build.gradle in the nexusIQScan for you IQ Server access data and from the project's root folder run from Terminal/Console:

./gradlew nexusIQScan

The output will have a brief summary of the findings and the URL for the detailed report at IQ Server:

Policy evaluation completed in 7 seconds.
Policy Action: None
Number of components affected: 0 critical, 1 severe, 1 moderate
Number of grandfathered policy violations: 0
The detailed report can be viewed online at http://localhost:8070/ui/links/application/appId/report/f43fee82dd9b4566b43c227da2842f83

The task only fails if there is a policy violation as a result of this evaluation.

CircleCI with OSS Index

The job output can be seen at: CircleCI Build Status

Travis CI with OSS Index

The job output can be seen at: Travis CI Build Status

GitHub Actions with OSS Index

The workflows output can be seen at:


  • Cache configuration: An extra Jenkins plugin is required to use cache, fortunately its docs have an example on how to use it on Gradle projects builds:

OSS Index

Minimal configuration: Jenkinsfile-ossindex

The given configuration produces an output using ANSI escape sequences for coloring. The AnsiColor Jenkins plugin can add support for that or coloring can be disabled in this Gradle plugin using the colorEnabled flag in build.gradle:

ossIndexAudit {
  colorEnabled = false

Nexus IQ Server

Minimal configuration: Jenkinsfile-iq

Here is the official Jenkins doc explainig how to configure credentials:

And how to use them in the pipeline:

In the provided Jenkins pipeline script we load the credentials in the variable IQ_CREDENTIALS so in build.gradle the usage would be:

nexusIQScan {
  username = System.getenv('IQ_CREDENTIALS_USR')
  password = System.getenv('IQ_CREDENTIALS_PSW')
  serverUrl = 'http://your-host:8070'
  applicationId = 'yourApp'

The Fine Print

This repo is meant for informational purposes, copy-paste at your own risk :)


No description, website, or topics provided.






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